
Info Blog

Visa IT professionals

IT workers are a particularly sought-after group on the German labor market due to the high demand for skilled workers in the digital economy. The Skilled Immigration Act therefore offers special visa options to facilitate access for these skilled workers and to speed up entry and employment. One of the most important visa options for IT workers is the visa for skilled workers with professional experience. IT specialists can apply for this visa...

Visa professional qualifications

The visa for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications is an important part of the Skilled Immigration Act and is aimed at skilled workers who wish to have their qualifications acquired abroad recognized in Germany. This visa enables applicants to come to Germany to complete the recognition procedure on site and work in their profession at the same time. In order to apply for this visa, skilled workers must meet several...

Deutsche Botschaften Auslandsvertretungen

Berufs- und Arbeitserlaubnis für Deutschland bei der Botschaft beantragen Ist für eine Berufsausübung eine Erlaubnis vorgeschrieben, wie in der Medizin oder für Ingenieure, muss die Voraussetzung zur Erteilung des Job Seeker Visa oder Blue Card EU nachgewiesen werden. Die Voraussetzung wird in der Regel direkt mit dem Antrag für ein Visum oder die Blue Card bei der deutschen Auslandsvertretung, also einer Botschaft oder einem Konsulat,...

by Onlisto.de